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At Costeaux French Bakery, we believe that bread is an important part of every meal. Often it’s the first “food product” that a guest will partake in their dining experience. We take great pride in our long standing tradition of hand crafting world-class breads.

Our breads are baked on a hearth oven imported from Italy.  Breads are hand shaped and prepared over a 24-48 hour period.  This long-fermentation process provides a unique flavor to each loaf based on its ingredients, natural starter and a long-slow rise.

Ciabatta (cha-BAT-ta)
Literally translated as Italian Slipper. This long rectangular loaf with medium crust has garnered numerous medals since its inception in 2010.  Its crumb (interior) is porous, moist and tender.  It has a slight sour flavor due to the preferment.
Ingredients: unbleached wheat flour, water, salt, safflower oil, olive oil & wheat germ.

A hearty crust and moist crumb made from nine grains: cracked wheat, barley, corn, millet, oats, rye, triticale, brown rice, soy beans and flax seed.  Molasses is added giving the loaf a slightly sweet taste.
Ingredients: unbleached wheat flour, cracked wheat, barley, corn, millet, oats, rye, triticale, brown rice, soy beans and flax seed water, salt and molasses.

Seeded Sourdough
Made of sourdough this loaf incorporates four seeds – flax, sesame, poppy and sunflower.  The exterior is rolled in sesame seeds.
Ingredients: unbleached wheat flour, water, barley, salt, sesame, flax, poppy and sunflower seeds.

Made of artisan sourdough this loaf has a firm, crisp, golden crust, and a moist soft interior. Available in our traditional sour French, sourdough baguette, or sourdough boule.
Ingredients: unbleached wheat flour, water, salt, wheat germ, barley.

Cranberry Walnut Batard
Made of sourdough, dried cranberries, and walnuts, the interior is a beautiful shade of purple.  The color comes from walnuts during the long-fermentation.
Ingredients: unbleached flour, water, dried cranberries, walnuts, salt and barley.

Starting with fresh local eggs, we mix and hand form both a braided loaf called “Challah” as well as a Pullman style resulting in a light and tender crumb with rich golden brown color.  With its high butter and egg ratios this slightly sweet recipe is perfect for bread pudding, grilled cheese, French toast or other savory dishes.

Cinnamon Walnut
This decadent dense loaf is hand rolled in small batches incorporating the fresh eggs, cinnamon, walnuts and sugar.   After baking the loaves receive a careful drizzle of sweet icing making a perfect loaf of bread for french toast, bread pudding and sweet or savory sandwiches.   This highly acclaimed loaf is shipped throughout the country, especially during the holidays when its sent to impress the most discerning of food connoisseurs nationwide.
Ingredients: unbleached wheat flour, water, egg, sugar, butter, milk powder, yeast, salt, vanilla